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Site Analysis

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A robust and informative site analysis will ensure that development responds positively to the features of the site and its context.


We analyse sites through engagement with the design team and stakeholders, consulting and reporting back to build the foundations for a strong design response.



We start with an overall vision which includes the benefits of the development along with how it should respond to context and the needs of users.

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The detailed design of buildings goes hand in hand with masterplanning and urban design.


We design residential developments to Planning stage, supported by comprehensive masterplanning

Architectural Design


Our core discipline, our masterplans, are produced at all stages of detail and have included a diverse range of land uses, sites and locations from ports and factories to regeneration and infill though to sensitive urban extensions.


Detailed Residential Design

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Residential design is our passion: making homes and places where people can thrive and life healthy and sustainable lives.


From development layouts to the design of homes and streets, we have a commercial eye for detail and a design focussed approach.


In accordance with, 'The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015,’ our DAS documents 'explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development;’ and, 'demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account.’ Our documents are produced on an illustrative basis and are tailored to the scale and complexity of the development proposed. Our documents are illustrated throughout to describe and explain the benefits of the scheme to key stakeholders.

Design & Access Statements

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A 3D visualisation can bring our proposals to life; we use 3D visualisation at all stages of the design process to test our visions and interrogate our sites and layouts in three dimensions though massing models and sketch views.

3D Visualisation

Public Realm

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We ensure that the design of buildings and public realm is seamless, with each complementing and respecting the other.


Buildings need to have strong references to context; a visually attractive public realm will delight users, reinforcing local character and making buildings come alive.

Building for Healthy Life Assessments

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'Building for a Healthy Life is the latest edition of - and new name for - Building for Life 12. Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) updates England’s most widely known and most widely used design tool for creating places that are better for people and nature.’


We use the Building for a Healthy Life framework to produce independent design reviews of emerging proposals on behalf of applicants and local authorities which may at future stage be taken forward through the Homes England scheme for accreditation.


Though our professional experience, we provide impartial advice to clients on their own designs, adding value to the design process and helping to explain the proposals.

Site Promotion Documents

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Our documents explain a clear rationale for development through a justification of the benefits of development and a case for the role of a site within the urban realm.


We summarise the work that has been undertaken by the team as a whole as part of a comprehensive and well-reasoned promotion.


We propose a strong vision for future development to effectively engage stakeholders.

Expert Witness

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We have represented both projects where we have designed the proposals and others where specialist input on masterplanning and urban design is requires to help steer the proposals through the Appeals process.


We have enjoyed working with a number of top rated Planning Barristers and have input at traditional Inquiry formats, round table at Public Inquiry and at Planning Hearings.

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Jonathan Vernon-Smith is a Co-Chair of the Design Commission for Wales and one of the Chairs of the Design Review Panel, in both roles advising on Masterplanning and Urban Design in particular.


John Armstrong sits on the Design Review Panel, advising in particular on Urban Design and Masterplanning. As a practice, we are well placed to advise applicants on the Design Review Process and have presented our own proposals to a number of Independent Panels nationally.

Design Review

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